Jackson Hole Market Report | 2018 Quarter 3
Jackson Hole Real Estate Associates, the region’s largest and most dynamic real estate company, is proud to present our comprehensive Market Report for the third quarter of 2018. Assembled from Jackson Hole Real Estate Associates’ proprietary database, the most extensive source of information about the region’s real estate market, and insight from our dedicated team of professionals, the report provides valuable insight into the market segments that make up the Jackson Hole area.
Jackson Hole’s real estate market remains on a strong path through the third quarter, with 12 percent more sales and a 13 percent increase in median sale price compared to the same period last year. Rising prices have caused supply of properties under $500,000 to dwindle, which is apparent in the 21 percent decline in transactions below that price point.
The most sales took place in the $500,000 to $1 million segment, which accounts for more than one-third of sales this year. The $2 million to $5 million segment notched the largest gain in transactions, up 83 percent compared to a year ago.
The Town of Jackson continues to lead the area by far in sales volume. Even so, overall, inventory fell again, down nearly 20 percent, which contributed to a 16 percent decrease in the average property’s days-on-market.